S Lyn , and I am
Child of
God and he sent me to Earth on
My hot and coolios are :
Bishi Bashi, All Stars , Hip Hop , Pretty Paper, Sunsets , Beaches, Jet-skis,
Train rides, Dogs , Blogger , Para Para , Camwhoring, Accessories , Piercings,
B-boying, PE clique, Bak Ku Teh , Subway Cookies , J , Zig markers , Doodling ,
Stoning , Bridge , Taiti , Fergie , Pigging , Laughing , Fox , Charles and Keith ,
Piere Cardin , Pictionary , Bleach , Gossip Girl , Twilight, Breaking Dawn ,
Eclipse, Secondhand Sereande, Rihanna , Lets Go Jungle
Friendster l
Yak Pak
New wallet
Fox Tanks
New Lap
Rip Curl / ROXY Pencil Case
A New Life.
All The Small Things
11:16 PM | Friday, October 31, 2008
True Care, Truth Brings`;Friday, 311008 spells AWESOME.1) I finally exercised.2) I got my Copper highlights3) I got to see J (:4) Halloween party Stinky came over after dance, bubbletea-ed and took a nice long stroll back to home.Bathed, changed and got ourselves prepared for Amber's Halloween.Dinner was yummy (: I totally fell in love with Amber's sausages and chicken wings :D Her house was awesome, the furniture , the fish pond , her dog , her room , EVERYTHING D:Waited for Vee to take a own sweet time to settle in , which was around 8+ , helped Jia Wei and Stinky with their costumes , chatted with Amber's other friends , messed up her room :X and camwhored. Not to mention, a scandal alert D:Trick and treated for like two hours, walking around the whole Estate, my feet was killing me D:Oh , I was Superman (: Jia Wei was dead school kid , Vee was House Bunny and Stinky was a dead nurse whom looked like a Pornstar :XHomed at 1015 and here I am (: Gonna take my daily midnight call and I am so gonna crash.Pictures coming up soon!
No Such Thing
10:27 PM | Sunday, October 26, 2008
But something's better ,On the other side`;
We Belong Together
9:10 PM |
When you left, I lost a part of me`;Hello world.I just wasted 25 bucks on GE run. Damn the flu :(Nose was blocked up , running from left to right ( Okay, exaggeration ._. )There was no way I could survive GE :/Woke up at 6.30 , bathed. Mum told me not to go for GE as it is not safe and I might die etc.I didn't mind, I was feeling lazy as well , ulterior motive :XCrash back to bed till 10.30 , had prata for breakfast . -Fast forward to dinner-Had Bak Ku Teh for dinner at Central, oooo yummy :DDesert at some random Japanese resturaunt which costs more than Main dish D:Stomach was bursting and the only way to calm it down was to take a nice , long walk (:Strolled around Clarke Quay , bought Subway cookies and here I am. & what I want for Christmas...1) NUM BAG!2) Guess pouch 3) Roxy Pencil Case4) Basketball pants Others like : 1) Pumps 2) Suspenders3) Fox tanks I guess I can get them with or without any special ocassions (:
What I've Done
11:24 PM | Saturday, October 25, 2008
From the truth, Of a thousand lies`;ThursdayYeah, phone confiscated. I was emphasising so much about the confiscation that I have failed to post about something more important and that was the last day of school.I held back my tears, putting a strong front, but deep inside, I was about to break. It had been a memorable one, from class jokes, rebels , spirit of the class competitions and even disputes. Through all this, this has only allowed us , as a class to be even more bonded than ever.Although we had social barriers between one another, one clique from another, I thank you guys for being so co-operative , understanding and forgiving. Each and everyone of us has made 2 Perseverance 2008 special and unique. Thanks for all the wonderful memories. To PE clique; Alanna ` Andrea ` Carolyn ` Kai lin > ` Lecindra ` Lynn ` Vanessa Hey guys! Thanks for the wonderful memories you have gave me , for being so understanding and supporting. Although we had several disputes , thank you for not giving up on this friendship and instead persevering to resolve all matters and to allow us to gain better understanding about one another. The jokes , advices and laughter you guys have shared with me , will always be right here with me ♥ Friday I shall not harp so much about this ...1) Visit to the principal office ( Regarding the phone , thanks dad & mum )2) Early lunch @ Adam Food court. ( NASI LEMAK! ♥ )3) Pigged and badminton with family 4) Sebaki training Omf, this is damn funny of the day A : -starts hitting chest retardedly -T: Eh , no matter how hard you hit your chest, the chest hair will not grow out so quickly la. Saturday Woke up to find out that we were lunching with granddad, no feelings, just neutral . Though I really wanted to lunch with Mummy at MOS :/ ( BURGER. Not MINISTRY OF SOUND BLUR! HAHA.) And to find out I caught a nasty flu D: After lunch , pigged for awhile and stoned at home till dinner came.Dinner was awesome. Dinnered at MOS, yeah I did sorta get my wish (: Walked around Raffles trying to look for whatever my dad was looking for :/ We then decided to head to Suntec as there were more varieties etc.I got my Adidas shoes for tomorrow's GE Women 5K run and some accessories. Dad got his sexy boxers ( SPONGEBOB AND SIMPSONS. WTF HAHA.)Bro got his badminton rackets and Mom got... Well , Mum did get her Watsons materials but that is totally not counted :( I will get Mummy something (: Had supper at J CO donuts and headed home at 2215 D:I am mega tired now , and with drowsy medicine , I am surprised why I am still awake D:I should head to bed now for tomorrow's GE :XPictures on the next post!Nights peepZxZ.
10:28 PM | Thursday, October 23, 2008
Take a chance to recognise , that this could be yours`;Deal : Cell confiscated.It is not about the phone getting confiscated, it is about my closes friend taking it away. I do not know even if I even should be blogging about it , cause there might be a consequence to pay after she reads this. No hard feelings, I am not pushing blames or whatsoever. I am just like any other blogger, jotting down a rough days , her thoughts and her feelings.Scenario : -I can promise, that I truly did switch my phone off. Well, at least I think I did :/- Accidents do happen, phone could have switched on by itself ( which happens 348373532 times this year -.- I do wonder why sometimes :/ ) -Therefore, it most probably did or maybe it slipped my mind. -Check was conducted .-JW told me to take my phone out, pressed the button , no light. JW then told me to UNLOCK it, pressed the button, lit up. -Shocked expression.-Told parents, parents were unhappy called and complain.-There is gonna be war tomorrow. She was just doing her job. I can understand that, I just loathe that moment when you had to actually go so far to use the secret I shared with you and use it against me. Why couldn't you just let it go?Rules are rules, but do times always have to be this rigid? If that's the case, everyone would probably be in jail right now if no flexibility was practiced. It was right, but wrong at the same time. No feelings were encountered, she just took it away as if I was some stranger, no apology , no comforting. Argument : I have to do it, its my job. Or else it would be unfair to others. But how could you use that secret about my phone against me?I am confused. Do rules actually overpower love/friendship ? I don't know. Right now, I find it even more difficult to share my secrets, my weal and my woes. I guess, it just seems that it is better to do the right thing than to be a real good friend, who would help in whatever shit you got yourself into. Parents can be a real chore sometimes, but they are the only ones who will stick with you and help you whenever your in need or doubt. Blood is thicker than water , no doubt. Thanks Mum and Dad, for believing in me wholeheartedly , supporting me and persevering through the long talks for me. And J, for comforting me and giving me endless support.I really need someone by my side, someone who I can trust and not be deceived by them , someone who would lend his/her shoulder. Someone who can bend rules for love.
9:32 PM | Monday, October 20, 2008
I'm not clean , I'm not pristine , I'm no queen, I'm no machine`;Oh my dearie, I am currently hooked on Fergie's songs. I have always been a fan of hers, probably because of the way she carries herself and that cool attitude she possesses , in addition, she has a unique way of executing her songs D: Rihanna is coming to Singapore! I want to go , I want to go!I once told my mum, if there were to be a concert held in Singapore, I would go to Rihanna's , Fergie's , Cobra Starship's and Simple Plan's (:Today was , hmmm , unexpected?Life Science turned out to be rather fun , and plus, Mrs Mohan was really nice, the total opposite from what I heard from Spastic Partner :/Main aim was to extract DNA, learn about DNA and chromosomes and to find out who was the "murderer". Sat with Drea , Jia Wei and Lynnies (: Stinky ponned school today -inserts sign- ( TOTALLY YOUR LOST! IT WAS REALLY FUN! )Oh I might be ponning on Wed, yay! We played with the high chairs, wrote rubbish on masking type, destroyed our aga , created a song for Mrs Mohan and lastly, we pissed Mrs Mohan pretty badly :X Hehe.Bridged with Lynnies, Drea , Jia Wei and Lecinny after Life Science and I did not win once! D:I will own, I bet you one day I will. xPJia Wei came over after that , and we were friggin broke. I could only afford a Double Cheeseburger for lunch, but Jia Wei was worse off ( HA! )Taiti-ed, snooped around for hot gossips , shaved our legs ( Jia Wei is a bobo at this ._. )Okay, I am really tired though its only 10pm now :/I wanna go pig out (:Nights peepzxz.
4 In The Morning
12:14 PM | Sunday, October 19, 2008
Don't Ever Wanna Have To Go Give You Up`;Talentine was the bombzxz. Three cheers for 2PE! We did better than expected, so good job.And I was glad I did not blank out during Sparkling Diamonds or Lady Marmalade. This will be my last year performing for Talentine, time passes so fast , it felt like it was only yesterday performing with One Grace. Next year, there will be no Home Economics, no Music and no Art , Secondary Three life will be deprived D:So anyway, after Talentine , lunched with PE clique and for once, Dre and Lynnies could make it. ( YAY! ) Played cheat and blackjack while lunching and yes, I owned! ( Well, not exactly ._. )Slacked around for awhile and then headed for home with Jia Wei. Met Banana (whom was pooling) on the way home, decided to own and chat for awhile. Yes, we need to improve on our cheating skills D, we shall team up one day and own Jia Wei for good :DJia Wei came over for awhile, talk about hot scandals and how we are going to stalk _. Hehe. Jia Wei left around 5.30 plus and I, headed to Wisma with fam for dinner at Din Tai Fung. Shopped , snacked at Taka till 9+ , slept like a pig in Dad's car and phoned called till 1 (:Today, I shall blog ( I just did ) , hunt down for photos from Stinky and Vee , finish up with Jia Wei's blog , wash my smelly pooper ( my dog :X ) and bleach (:"Life is full of the unexpected, ups and downs. Whenever we come across a barrier to our happiness, all we can do is just find a way to get over it , endure and stay strong. Have faith my friend, you have not lost everything. You still have friends that care and will always be there for you , the rest of your family who will always be there to support you. And although we have not spoke for 876345 years , just know whenever you need help and all, I will be here. Best of luck (: "
Don't Stop The Music
6:19 PM | Thursday, October 16, 2008
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode `;
Talentine day!
Spent the whole day rehearsing , dancing and singing.
Yeah, I am really tired right now D:
I should be thankful that NCC got cancelled ( THANK GOD! )
After hours of hard work, I think 2PE is ready to own the stage, the auditorium and the other classes. We pwnz!
I still have a few areas to work on though, like the step touch steps and the material girl steps. And plus, I have to follow the beat and not chiong through the whole song.
Jia you Sherilyn :]
After Talentine, stayed back for awhile to rehearse and then proceeded to the canteen to chat with platoon mates for awhile. It has been some time since I last ate with them, sorry huns. :X
I decided to be nice and wait for Esther's dental appointment to end. During that period , we Pictionaried, sang , stoned and slept D:
Played Taiti and Speed with Banana after Esther's appointment, and yeah, I totally owned :D
I mean since there is nothing to do at home, its okay to spend some time in school and chill out a bit (:
Gosh, I am super tired. However, I am still going to Sushido and Sushi Go Round later.
This time, I am vowing not to make any Shit sushis during Sushi Go Round , Sherilyn will kick butt :D
And if I decide to be nice, I will work on Jia Wei's blogskin later on ;D
Money Honey
7:40 PM | Wednesday, October 15, 2008
As both our worlds fall down, we get lost and we get found `;It has been some time since I last blogged. Therefore, this might be one very long post (:ThursdayThursday was the faithful day when everyone evolved from study freaks to professional gamblers, and our classroom into a Perseverance casino. Awesome much right? (:I played pictionary with Stinky too cause apparently, she is a loser when it comes to gambling. ( Kinda hard to believe, oh well -.- ) See Stinky, I am a really nice friend. Unlike you, who always always leave the classroom without me. ( THANKS THANKS! )Did I mention I picked up bridge on the first game? I am a fast learner and I am now a pro in bridge. Thanks to viwawa ._.Stayed back to finish up with Open House preparations, which was a total waste of time. Fill you in later on the Saturday section. THURSDAY'S omf, this is damn funny ! PICTIONARY , theme : Songs S : -draws a woman with a dress , with three circles vertically straight and pointed out the three circles , which obviously, was the main subject of the whole picture -C : I KNOW I KNOW! THE THREE BREASTED WOMAN ! Ans : Buttons from PCDIf you are thinking like her, slap yourself. T : prononuce SHO-PHO-USES.S : Huh? What the hell is sho-pho-uses ? 0.0 There is no such word la!T: -Laughs out loud- SHOPHOUSES!I totally knew that. :XFriday (TGIF!)TALENTINE PREPARATION! I was kind of looking forward to it till I got posted to Sparkling Diamonds instead of Lady Marmalade thanks to someone -.- Seriously, go eat shit for dinner.Our choreographer, Miss Hem , has awesome hair with blue highlights, trust me, I am so getting that for the holidays (:Roles for 2PE :Lady Marmalade Alanna : Lil Kim ( HAHA! )Andrea : Mya Lynn : PinkTiziana : Christina ( Uh huh, her. )Main dancers :Vee, Stinky, Cai Hong and last but not least Me! Sparkling Diamonds Main singers : Nat ( NU-NU-TA-TA-SIA-SIA :X ) , Stinky and Me Main dancers :-tentative-SaturdayPathetic Open House -.- I wasted three hours stoning in the Shaw and the control room. Estimation : Only about maximum 100 people from the public came? Waste of time and effort. I thought the school should have put in more effort into publicizing and shifting the date where everyone in Singapore is available. Ew, open house.SundaySpent my morning and afternoon editing and uploading pictures. Not to mention bleaching as well D:Decided to pig out in the late afternoon. I should seriously go exercise ._.Bridge and sushido at night with Jia Wei and J (: WednesdayToday was a total waste of time in school. I could have been sleeping at home T.TWho cares about Research and Development, if it were to be only a few hours, I wouldn't mind.In the end, it took up the whole of school period. We were kind of stupid to have chosen one of the closest sit , I was there stoning and encouraging myself to write crap ._.But we got smarter after recess and chose the back seats where we played, the name game and pictionary . Better than doing the crap , but I would rather be bridging :/Oh yeah, during the one hour recess we had today, I played : SUSHI GO ROUND on Miniclip ;DI am getting myself addicted and I am getting more pro each time I finish I specific level :D WEDNESDAY'S omf, this is damn funny A : So, sushido is at Viwawa right ?J : NO NO. ITS WAVIVI. ( HAHA. )I am not going to blog about Monday and Tuesday.I am not gonna rake up the awful past and let bygones be bygones.Thanks Mum and Dad for understanding and your advice, I will , worker harder to strive my goal for next year. That is my promise to you, have faith in me because, I will not fail again .
She's A Lady
1:27 PM | Sunday, October 12, 2008
I'm in love with a critic and a skeptic, a traitor`;Yay! Photos are uploaded already people (:
I have
editted versions too, so clique, grab them if you want :D
I am not gonna blog , uploading so many photos has given me a headache D:
I shall blog when I get back my results, which is tomorrow T.T

Lady Marmaladezx

"Ouch. Back pain."
Vee is totally NOT PCD material (HA! )



Nat says I have
hot ankles :D


Take A bow, ma'dam?


Check out the
loser face (:

If only, my hair stays that way permanently :/

Bring your focus on the
hand people. D:


I am bringing
sassy back ;D


Why did you have to put stars in my eyes?

My new best friend :
Mr. Bowling Ball (:

You wish you can do this (:
Hi Baby
We are way
too cool for you ;D

Excuse me hun, I am still on the phone xP

Okay, lets spot the difference....

a loser is still a loser. HAHA. Sorry Jia wei, I couldnt control myself :X


Draw your attention on the one closer to the photo.

slut No.1 (:


" Please let me get a strike. Please let me get a strike."